Can I Get a Witness?

Does the Bible allow us to appeal to others to affirm the truthfulness of our words? Can we ask for a witness when our reputation is on the line? We know that witnesses can be used to verify sin (Matt 18:16; 2 Cor 13:1; 1 Tim 5:19; cf. Deut 19:15–21), but what about righteousness instead?…

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Thoughts on Contentment in Jesus Christ

Sometimes we look for happiness in people, position, possessions, or our overall prosperity. We might never get these things the way we want them, or we can easily lose them when we have them. Either way, if they become our joy, our joy can be quickly lost. We should find contentment in the Lord Jesus…

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Contending for the Faith: Jude 3-4

Jude’s purpose for his letter his clear: “I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). What is “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints,” what does it mean to “contend” for it, and why…

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Only Christ Is Enough

A reporter once asked John D. Rockefeller, “How much money is enough?” The world’s first billionaire gave his famous reply: “Just a little bit more.” Rockefeller’s answer strikes a chord in every heart. There is something in us that, even if we were to be given a billion dollars, we would still say, “Just a…

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