The Christian and Civil Government (Romans 13:1–7)

Our country is presently abuzz with patriotism or despair, depending on how one views the recent inauguration of our forty-seventh president. Whatever opinions we may have about his political stance or personal life, he is our commander-in-chief and the head of our federal government. How do the Scriptures instruct us to interact with a president,…

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A Look at the Lists: Spiritual Gifts for Today

A spiritual gift is a God-granted ministry to each member of the body of Christ in order to edify its members. There are a variety of gifts (each member with his own gift or combination of gifts), but this variety is united in purpose—to edify the church. They are granted by the Triune God—the Spirit,…

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A Life of Worship to God (Romans 12:1–2)

Romans 12:1–2 is a fun text to study. It’s easy to notice three imperatives that guide the passage (present, do not be conformed, be transformed) and also two sets of three descriptors—one for “sacrifice” (living, holy, acceptable) and the other for “the will of God” (good, acceptable, perfect). In short, this passage teaches us to…

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When Christ Came into the World (Hebrews 10:5–10)

Christmas Day comes once a year, and for Christians, this day means something more than traditions and gifts, as wonderful as those things can be. Christmas reminds us of the birth and thus in incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ. He became flesh to die for you and me. Hebrews 10:5–10 reminds us of these…

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The Fullness of God’s Salvation (Romans 11:25–27)

Romans 11:25–27 provokes many questions for students of the Bible, including the phrase “And in this way all Israel will be saved” (Rom 11:26), which one commentator calls “the storm center in the interpretation of Rom. 9–11.”1 The following is but one attempt to summarize these questions and provide some answers. Romans 11:25 What is…

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Israel Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow: An Overview of Romans 11:11-36

Ever since its inception, Israel has never been a fully believing nation. Some of the Israelites were believers, however. Abraham has always had a spiritual offspring among his physical descendants (Rom 9:6–7). Even in the darkest chapters of Israel’s history, so it is today—“there is a remnant” (Rom 11:5; cf. 11:3–4). Generally speaking, however, Israel…

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Good Reminders from God’s Word about a Nation’s Leaders

Let it out—a four-year sigh of relief—another presidential election is over. For Christians, it was patently obvious that the winning candidate was friendlier to Christianity than the other. At his rallies, there were chants of “Christ is King!” Whatever the motivations for this chant, we can be thankful that our country has a measure of…

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Luther’s 95 Theses – Still on the Doors on November 1st

Even though yesterday was “Reformation Day” (October 31), the day Luther nailed his theses to the door, today (November 1) is still a good day to remind ourselves of a piece of Protestant History. In fact, Luther likely had Novemeber 1 mored on the mind than October 31 (see below). Here’s the story in short,…

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