Podcast – Interview 60: The Only Wise Pursuit (David Saxon)

With this edition of the podcast, we complete all the interviews I recorded with the November/December FrontLine authors. There were a few writers who couldn’t come on due to scheduling reasons, but I think you will have a good sense of the topics we covered if you listen to the ones we were able to get to.

Besides the feature articles, each magazine also has regular columns that various writers bring us. In other words, there is more to our magazine than the articles I can feature in the podcast. I hope you will become a regular subscriber to our magazine to benefit from all the good content we have.

The theme of the November/December edition was “The Thinking Christian: Biblical Wisdom in an Emotionally Driven World.”

Our concluding podcast on this issue is with David Saxon, another professor at Maranatha Baptist University. His article, called “The Only Wise Pursuit: Wisdom from Ecclesiastes,” appeared fourth in line of the various articles on the theme. I’ve sort of mixed up the logic of the magazine with the order of the podcasts.

Nonetheless, looking to Ecclesiastes at the end of this series seems appropriate. The Book of Ecclesiastes takes a long hard look at life, giving us truly deep insight into what we are about as we live out our days “under the sun.” In the end, we find that truly there is only one purpose worth living for.

I think you will find brother Saxon’s comments insightful and edifying.

Let me remind you that Dave’s article is available on our Substack right away for paying subscribers. We have previews for everyone else. I hope you will join with us and support the ministry of the FBFI by becoming a paying subscriber.

Book mentioned in the podcast: David Gibson, Living Life Backward – you might be interested in it for further study.

Article: The Only Wise Pursuit: Wisdom from Ecclesiastes

Podcast: Interview 60: The Only Wise Pursuit