Podcast: Interview 55: Chaplain’s Report: Serving in the Secret Service

This week we have a unique opportunity for our interview. I’m talking to authors from the November/December 2024 edition of FrontLine. Mostly we are discussing the theme of The Thinking Christian, but this time I am focusing on a regular feature of the magazine, our Chaplain’s Report.

Our chaplain for this edition is Troy Shoaf who serves with several law enforcement agencies, and you will guess which one caught my attention when I saw the headline of his article, “Serving in the Secret Service.” I knew I wanted to have a conversation about his ministry right away. Troy is also involved in a ministry called Blue Line Ministries. I’ve provided the link in the show notes and invite you to check it out.

The chaplaincy in its many forms is a valued part of the FBFI ministry and I am so glad to be able to introduce Troy Shoaf to you so you can hear about various aspects of his ministry in the chaplaincy.

Before we turn to Troy, let me remind you that paying subscribers to our substack will be able to read his article right away. With a paid subscription to our substack, you will automatically get a subscription to the magazine. You can also subscribe just to the magazine itself. We encourage you to take advantage of the good Christian insights our magazine offers.

Subscribers can read Troy’s article here: Chaplain’s Report: Serving in the Secret Service (preview for non-subscribers)

Listen to the Podcast here: Interview 55: Chaplain’s Report: Serving in the Secret Service

Photo by Jason Hafso on Unsplash