On Parenting: Are You Bribing Your Way Through?
Not long ago, I was sitting in an airport when a family of four appeared. The little boy, who seemed about five, was having a meltdown I’d heard many times before. His mother was doing all she could to calm him down, but nothing worked. In just a few minutes, I witnessed a parade of bribes being offered to the child, all of which he flatly ignored. First, an iPad with his favourite cartoon was tossed in his direction, but to the surprise of his parents, he refused it. His screams echoed through the terminal. Next, his favourite candy was suggested, but that didn’t work either. I couldn’t help but notice the father—though very present—had mentally checked out, preferring to watch the chaos unfold rather than intervene.
On Parenting: Are You Bribing Your Way Through? | Between Two Cultures
HT: Rooted Thinking
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