Podcast – Interview 51: The Rapture in Matthew 24 (Michael Riley)
I’m talking to some of our men who wrote articles for the September/October 2024 FrontLine magazine. The subject of the magazine was, “The Rapture.” You’ll want to get a copy and dig in to what our authors say.
Today’s guest is Michael Riley, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Wakefield, Michigan. Mike is a frequent contributor to FrontLine and consequently a frequent guest on the podcast. His article had to do with Matthew 24, but we wanted to use his article as a “launching pad” for a discussion about hermeneutics and how we study the Bible.
We all have presuppositions that influence our understanding of the Bible. Sometimes we have presuppositions that lead us to miss the point when we come to Bible passages. The struggle we have is trying to uphold a high view of inspiration (every word is God’s word) and a proper humility when it comes to interpretation (I must let God’s word speak correctly to me).
Our discussion in the interview was very wide ranging. I think you will find it edifying, at least that is our hope!
In the interview both Mike and I mentioned some outside resources that I’ll provide links to in the show notes.
Before I bring on Mike, let me remind you that paying subscribers to our substack will be able to read Mike’s article on Matthew 24 right away. With a paid subscription to our substack, you will automatically get a subscription to the magazine. You can also subscribe just to the magazine… either way, we just want to build up our subscription base.
Access to Michael’s article (preview for non-subscribers): The Rapture in Matthew 24
Access the podcast here: Interview 51: The Rapture in Matthew 24 (Michael Riley)
Online Resources mentioned in the podcast:
Sermon by David Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Introduction: A sermon on Ephesians 6:10 (mljtrust.org)