Podcast – Interview 50: The Believer’s Hope (Brandon Carmichael)
The September/October 2024 FrontLine is on the topic, “The Rapture.” The topic is one Christians always are interested in, no matter what position on end-time events they hold.
On the podcast, I am joined by a young pastor from Albion, NY, Brandon Carmichael. I’ll let him introduce himself to you shortly. His article is called “The Believer’s Hope,” focusing on the Rapture teaching especially in 1 Thessalonians 4.
Here is a bit of a preview:
Wildfires. Wars. Moral collapse in the Western world. In these and other ways, catastrophic world events seem to be escalating, leading many Christians to wonder whether the end times are almost upon us. What should Christians expect from the last days? Is Scripture being fulfilled in front of our eyes? How should Christians respond to uncertain times?
God does not intend to leave us hopeless in the face of these questions. Instead, He tells us through the apostle Paul what Christians should expect and prepare for in these last days. He wants us to establish our hearts in hope and peace. One of the clearest texts written to console Christians in uncertain times is 1 Thessalonians 4–5.
I once again want to encourage you to subscribe to our podcast and share it with your friends. We want to get the word out to as many people as possible. Paying subscribers will have access to Brandon’s article right away, here on our Substack. Here is the link to the article, with one paragraph more for the preview version and the full article for our subscribers: The Believer’s Hope
Listen to the interview here (free to all): Interview 50: The Believer’s Hope (Brandon Carmichael)