Should a Christian Skip Voting on November 5? | RealClearReligion

While the Bible does not speak directly to the issue of voting because elections didn’t exist in Bible times, a relevant passage that presents a principle to guide our contemporary context is 1 Timothy 2:1-2. When Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning how to lead the church, his first instruction was to urge church members to pray for all kinds of people, specifically mentioning government officials. The goal of these prayers was that God might move in the hearts of public officials to create and maintain an environment where Christians could lead godly lives unhindered by interference or persecution. The church should pray that its leaders would enact and maintain laws that allow Christians freedom to worship. Christians should continue to follow Paul’s instructions and pray regularly and fervently for their governing authorities to this end.

Source: Should a Christian Skip Voting on November 5? | RealClearReligion

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