Podcast – Interview 48: A Christian Approach to Political Change (Brian Collins)

We are talking about the July/August FrontLine on the theme, “God, the Christian, and Human Government.”

For this interview I am speaking with Brian Collins who works for BJU Press. He’ll tell you a little bit about what he does when we start.

Brian’s article is called “A Christian Approach to Political Change.”

We are in the middle of election season, so this topic is very appropriate. In our kind of society, we can have an influence on political direction, and we want those politicians we support to implement our views. Sometimes Christians are motivate to get involved themselves.

Yet politicians have to navigate many competing values among their constituents which means at best we will only get some of what we want. How do we reconcile this with making choices about who we support? How much hope should we put in any political candidates, even the “good ones”?

Brian’s article talks about how we should approach politics and the kind of attitudes and expectations we should cultivate in ourselves. Our conversation touches and expands on these issues.

Let me once again want to encourage you to subscribe to our podcast and share it with your friends. We want to get the word out to as many people as possible. Paying subscribers will have access to Brian’s article right away, here on our substack.

Access the article here: A Christian Approach to Political Change [preview for non-paying subscribers]

Access the podcast here: Interview 48: A Christian Approach to Political Change (Brian Collins) [free access to all]

Books recommended on Christian political philosophy:

How the Nations Rage: Rethinking Faith and Politics in a Divided Age – Jonathan Leeman

Political Church: The Local Assembly as Embassy of Christ’s Rule (Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture) – Jonathan Leeman

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