End Abortion: Rebrand Babies – The American Mind

But abortion is at its tiny beating heart not, I repeat not, a political issue. It never has been, actually. It is not solvable at the federal, or even state, level. It cannot be eradicated via executive order, law, or any craft we here possess. “Abortionist” is the second oldest profession after “prostitute.” Humans are human. They will therefore sin and keep on sinning until the very end of time. You could sooner ban porn, or gambling, or beer drinking than totally ban all abortion in the United States. Calling for angry boycotts, bans, and legislative fixes, moreover, is all very dry and dusty and angry.I understand the anger, of course—the wanton murder of fully-formed infants in the womb is a travesty we should all be sickened by. But the key audience to convince here is not the politicians or mass voting blocs. It’s the lone young female who presents herself at the clinic to terminate an unwanted—or wanted, but inconvenient—pregnancy.

What if the best way to change her mind was not by focusing on votes, elections, candidates, the legality of a 6- or 8-week ban, or technicalities like viability? What if instead of “abortions are bad,” the argument was: “Babies are awesome!” Imagine connecting the clinical concept of “embryo” and “fetus” to “a little human being who will look like you and have the same hair color as you.”

A friend sent me a link to a disturbing study that involved grafting the harvested scalps of late-term aborted babies onto rats. These “scientists” are literally implanting pieces of human baby scalp onto living rats and regrowing the dead child’s own hair on the rat. Presumably this is some kind of test for curing baldness for men who think they’d look sexier wearing a dead baby’s scalp. (The study also involves fetal thyroid tissues and liver cells, which must be why fully-formed aborted newborns fetch such high prices for livers and thyroids on the market.)The web page for the study includes nightmarish photos of a baby’s light brown hair growing on a rat’s body. Imagine seeing these images and wondering, “Is that my baby?” Imagine a billboard campaign of these images with the tagline “Is this your baby?” Maybe, just maybe, that message could help connect an inchoate positive pregnancy test to the finished product: an adorable newborn.

Source: End Abortion: Rebrand Babies – The American Mind

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