Can a fighting spirit help conquer cancer? The limits of positivity for cancer patients | National Post

The idea that cancer progression or disease survival can be influenced by a positive attitude or by keeping up a “fighting spirit” isn’t grounded in scientific evidence, he and other doctors said. Anecdotally, however, “you’ll hear from people, ‘I beat this because I was positive, I had the right thinking, the right attitude,’” Isenberg-Grzeda said.

While some reviews have reported that “unfavourable coping styles” and negative emotions are associated with poorer survival after a cancer diagnosis, the evidence that stress directly affects survival is weak, according to the U.S. National Cancer Institute. Most studies exploring whether psychological factors slow the progression of cancer or boost survival have yielded null results, according to a critical review of positive psychology’s claims.


Still, for many people, a positive attitude can improve quality of life and mental wellbeing — one study of 110 people with lung, colorectal or breast cancer found those with higher positivity reported less anxiety and despondency 

Source: The limits of positivity for cancer patients | National Post

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