Tucker Carlson and the turning point for right-wing antisemitism – JNS.org

[We live in an odd world where anti-semitism flourishes both on the right and the left politically.  Many fundamentalists and evangelicals are Tucker Carlson fans, and Carlson asked Russell Brand to close in prayer at the end of his interview.  But the brand of Christianity that Carlson is embracing is anti-semitic, and it is rooted in replacement theology.  Bible believers need to tread very carefully here.  Consider this article on Carlson from a Jewish perspective. KSchaal]

In this context, the questions to ask about Carlson are not confined to the justified outrage about his fawning, two-hour-long interview with faux podcast “historian” Daryl Cooper, during which Nazi motivations and culpability for the Holocaust were falsely downplayed and Winston Churchill, rather than Adolf Hitler, was depicted as the true villain of World War II. It is now incumbent on all decent people, and especially those on the right, to demand that Carlson no longer be treated as a mainstream figure.

Call it cancel culture, if you like, but the notion that someone who thinks it is acceptable or legitimate to question the truth about the Holocaust ought not to have access to a potential president, as Carlson appears to have with Trump, is entirely reasonable. That remains true even if Trump’s pro-Israel policies are the opposite of those of the former Fox News host.

Source: Tucker Carlson and the turning point for right-wing antisemitism – JNS.org

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