Podcast – Interview 45: Pacifism vs. Violence Which Is the Way of Christ? (David Saxon)
Our subject for the podcast is the July/August edition of FrontLine Magazine, on the subject: God, the Christian, and Human Government.
In this political season, this issue of the magazine addresses many questions about the Christian relationship to government. All the articles were very thought-provoking to me.
I’ve interviewed several of the authors, still trying to get a few more interviews done, but the one we feature today is one I am sure you will find interesting.
David Saxon teaches at Maranatha Baptist University, where he has served for many years. He is a frequent contributor to our magazine and has addressed our group in several sessions at our annual meeting. I really appreciate his ministry.
His article is called, “Pacifism vs. Violence Which Is the Way of Christ?”
Just the title alone gets your attention, as it is something we don’t think much about, though serious Christians have discussed the issue of pacifism and the use of force for many years.
Let me remind you that paying subscribers to our podcast can access Dave’s article in FrontLine right away, here in our substack. We also encourage you to share the link to our work by email, Facebook, or other connections you might have. You can really help us build our audience this way.
In addition, please note that Dr. Saxon co-authored a textbook on topics related to this, it is called, Talking About Ethics: A Conversational Approach to Moral Dilemmas. You can follow the link to purchase it if you are interested.
The FrontLine article is here: Pacifism vs. Violence: Which Is the Way of Christ? (substack.com)
Listen to the podcast here, or search for Proclaim & Defend on other providers: Interview 45: Pacifism vs. Violence Which Is the Way of Christ? (David Saxon)