Decide Your Sunday on Your Saturday

It’s often, and correctly, said that Sunday morning church is a Saturday night decision.

But that’s only part of the story.

Regular church attendance is a life choice.

Some schedule their lives so that not even a Saturday night decision can make Sunday church happen.

Sunday morning church involves a Saturday night decision, but it goes beyond that.

If being a part of a church family is not a priority, if it is not a non-negotiable part of your routine, then church attendance will slip and feeling a part of a church family will never happen.

Very soon missing church is no longer the exception to the rule, missing church becomes the norm and when nothing else is on, church is an option.

Soon, you miss being with your church and at the same time you don’t miss being with your church.

Maybe I’m preaching to the choir, but if I’m not, let me encourage you to make your church attendance:

  • a priority
  • non-negotiable
  • the reason you miss other things and not what you miss for other things.

Make it so that your kids never have to wonder if they’re going to church. It’s like other activities you have in their life, they just know it’s happening without question.

If there’s a service, then to the best of your ability be there.

Men, let me address you directly. Be in church and bring your family. Be a spiritual leader in your home.

More than you need your chosen leader in the White House, your family and this nation need you in your local church, actively serving the members of your local body.

Martin Wickens is the pastor of Bedford Bible Church in Bedford, PA.