Podcast — Interview 43: Douglas Brown – No Future for Israel? Supersessionism 101

Our recent edition of FrontLine is called, “A Future for Israel.” This is a topic that is part of the core ideas of the FBFI, we are glad to be known as dispensationalists.

Our interview today is with Dr. Doug Brown of Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary. We had Doug on last year talking about another article he wrote and it was good to catch up with him again, although this time the interview was remote via Riverside technology, rather than in person.

His article in this edition is called, “No Future for Israel? Supersessionism 101.” He’s got a $64 word in that title, and we spend a good bit of the interview discussing what that term means and how people arrive at this position. Supersessionism (or fulfillment theology as it is sometimes called) is something we disagree with and Doug gives us a good understanding of the rationale and weaknesses of this view.

An added bonus on this theme is a recent book we’d like to recommend, Dispensationalism Revisited, published in honor of the late professor Charles A. Hauser, Jr. Doug was a former student of Dr. Hauser and contributes the first chapter of the book under the title, “The Glory of God and Dispensationalism.” I hope you will check it out, I’m thoroughly enjoying my read of it and think you will benefit also.

Before we get to the interview, please consider subscribing to our Substack site as a way to get access to Doug Brown’s full FrontLine article on line right away. We appreciate those who are supporting our ministry by this means and encourage you to support us too.

Link to the article (preview for non-paying subscribers): No Future for Israel? Supersessionism 101 (substack.com)

Link to the podcast: Interview 43: Douglas Brown – No Future for Israel? Supersessionism 101 (substack.com) (or search for Proclaim & Defend on Apple, Spotify, or other providers)