Interview 42: Keith Kobelia: Ezekiel 37:15–28 and Elements of God’s Future Promises to Israel (The Two Sticks)
We are discussing articles from the May/June 2024 FrontLine edition called, “A Future for Israel.” This theme is a welcome one to us and our writers have addressed the topic in a variety of ways.
I recently sat down with Keith Kobelia, a professor at Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary which is in Ankeny, Iowa.
Keith’s article is called, “Ezekiel 37:15–28 and Elements of God’s Future Promises to Israel.” This passage discusses Ezekiel’s “Two Sticks” prophecy, which reveals some interesting details about God’s plan for Israel in the future.
In the interview, we discuss a lot about the details of the prophecy and then put it into the perspective of current affairs.
Before we get to the interview, let me remind you that paying subscribers will be able to read Keith’s article online right away. We appreciate your support for our ministry and hope our work is a blessing to you.
Here is the link to the article: Ezekiel 37:15–28 and Elements of God’s Future Promises to Israel (substack.com) [preview for non-paying subscribers]
Listen to the podcast here: Interview 42: Keith Kobelia: Ezekiel 37:15–28 and Elements of God’s Future Promises to Israel (The Two Sticks) (substack.com) — or search for Proclaim & Defend on Apple, Spotify, or other providers.