Podcast – Interview 41: Mark Lounsbrough – Blessing and Dominion
The Role of Israel in God’s Restorative Purpose for Creation
In this edition of the P&D podcast, I am interviewing Mark Lounsbrough, lately the chair of the Missions department at Faith Baptist College & Theological Seminary. He will tell you about his ministry and what he is doing now as we start the conversation.
Mark’s article is the lead article in our FrontLine edition with the theme, A Future for Israel. As it happens, his interview was the last one we did for this edition. Consequently, I made references to other interviews scheduled to come out in the coming weeks. Our past tense and present tense may get messed up a bit, so I hope that isn’t too disorienting!
Mark’s article is called “Blessing and Dominion.” The article covers the whole gamut of God’s plan through the ages and places Israel squarely in the middle of that plan. Our discussion in the interview was fascinating to me, with several temptations for long rabbit trails. Hopefully we managed to keep on track and fill in the details more in our understanding of God’s plan for the world.
The theme and our discussion involve a lot of theology. I think it is important for everyday Christians to take the time to understand theology, even though it may seem distant from day-to-day life. God expects us to be his ambassadors in the world. The more we understand what God is doing, the more effective we can be in reaching our world for Jesus Christ.
I hope you find this discussion helpful
Mark Lounsbrough’s article: Blessing and Dominion (preview for non-subscribers)
The podcast: Interview 41: Mark Lounsbrough – Blessing and Dominion (substack.com) (or search for Proclaim & Defend on Apple, Spotify, or other providers)
As always, a reminder: if you would like to read Mark’s article right away, you can do that by becoming a paying subscriber to our podcast. You can use that subscription to also get credit for a subscription to our magazine, now coming out in both digital and print formats. I hope you take advantage of that, supporting the work of the FBFI by your subscriptions.
Don Johnson