Podcast – Interview 38: Byron Foxx on Four Ways God Judges Nations
We are talking about the March/April 2024 edition of FrontLine called “Salt and Light in Your City and State.”
Our host for this session is Gordon Dickson, who served as our Associate Editor for this edition of the magazine. The guest today is Virginia based evangelist Byron Foxx.
Byron authored an article for FrontLine called “Four Ways God Judges Nations.”
In the article, brother Foxx talks about the rising sins that characterize our nation and reminds us of judgements that came on many nations in the pages of Scriptures. We are not immune!
In the interview, you will hear of efforts that brother Foxx and others are taking to be an influence for right before judgement might come.
Before you listen to the interview, let me remind you that paying subscribers will be able to read Byron Foxx’ article online right away. We appreciate your support of our ministry and hope our work is a blessing to you.
Link for the article (paying subscribers, preview for all others): Four Ways God Judges Nations (substack.com)
Link for the podcast (free to all): Interview 38: Byron Foxx on Four Ways God Judges Nations (substack.com)
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash