When Big Banks Discriminate | Alliance Defending Freedom

Beginning five years ago, a New York state official launched a targeted attack on the National Rifle Association. Her tactic was simple but authoritarian. Wielding state power, she actively pressured financial institutions to cut ties with the Second Amendment advocacy group, using back-channel meetings, public investigations, and threats of fines. As one might expect, the NRA sued the state. The lawsuit has now reached the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear the case this year.

Regardless of your view of the NRA, everyone should agree that this type of harassment is wrong and has no place in a free society. Even the ACLU has sided with the NRA and is representing its cause in court. New York clearly has crossed a major line and violated the First Amendment. The government cannot weaponize private corporations against groups simply because their advocacy goals don’t align with the government’s.

Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. It is now commonplace for social media platforms to censor users for challenging dominant ideological narratives. And the same thing is increasingly happening at national banks, insurance companies, and payment processors. These corporations discriminate against certain clients and justify it under the guise of “reputational risk” or “hate speech.”

Source: When Big Banks Discriminate | Alliance Defending Freedom

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