Podcast – Interview 33: Gordon Dickson on Salt & Light in Your City and State
Welcome to the Proclaim & Defend podcast. In this edition we are talking to Gordon Dickson about the March/April issue of FrontLine with the theme “Salt & Light in Your City and State.”
Gordon is the associate editor for FrontLine this time and is also recently retired from a long pastoral ministry in Findlay, Ohio. We talk about the magazine and his ministry.
We published an interview with Gordon about a month and a half ago, where Gordon talked about the two articles he wrote for the magazine. We wanted to get that interview out ahead of time so we could also publish the second of his two articles, “Abortion Is on Your Ballot: What Can You Do?” (Note: the article was called “Shall We Disdain what God Ordained?” in the magazine.)
With this interview, we also publish Gordon’s first article, “SALT and LIGHT in Your City and State” here at our Substack for paying subscribers.
Other Resources:
Salt and Light: FrontLine | Volume 34 • Number 2
Contents and editorial for our March/April edition of Frontline
12 Ways You Can Make a Difference in This Crazy, Mixed-Up World by Gordon Dickson
In this crazy, mixed-up world, how can you make a difference? That’s the question this book will help you to answer for yourself. New generations often look upon Christians as shallow, hypocritical, and irrelevant, but Christ gave us the blessed answer to that problem. What if we show new generations the true Christianity that Christ taught? By God’s grace, what if we could become what we want them to be? We can!
(Paperback, Kindle, and Audible editions available at the link.)
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