The Coming Shortage of Pastors and Missionaries
Facing the Facts, Finding the Way
Jesus put it bluntly: “the labourers are few.” He did not mince words. He challenged the disciples to face the facts and find the way forward. He told them to pray to the Lord of the harvest. They were to ask for laborers for an abundant harvest of souls.
God has raised up gospel laborers at times and seasons for the compelling advance of His glory and name. He did it during the twentieth century. Informed Christian leaders today share a common urgent concern now in the twentyfirst century. There are plainly not enough younger pastors, missionaries, and evangelists to replace the aging, graying, retiring, and dying generation of Christian leaders. They are just not there, not in the needed numbers. They are not on the horizon. They are not on the radar. We need to open our eyes and get real.
On March 1, 2017, the Barna Group sounded the alarm in a study called “The Aging of America’s Pastors” (https:// www.barna.com/research/aging-americas-pastors/). In summary they found that there are far fewer young pastors now than there were in the early 1990s. The average age of pastors has advanced by ten years since then. Christian young people are less interested in vocational church ministry and more interested in other models of influence. Most pastors are finding it difficult to find a successor to mentor. David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, said, “There are now more full-time senior pastors over the age of 65 than under the age of 40. It is urgent that denominations, networks and independent churches determine how to best motivate, mobilize, resource and deploy more younger pastors.”
In the summer of 2017 I studied the same issue, not being aware at the time of the recently released Barna study. My study encompassed approximately 2000 active pastors, pastoral staff, missionaries, camp directors, and chaplains. I found that almost 40% of the senior pastors were sixty and older. I found that 75% of senior pastors were fifty and older. The same essential percentages held true for missionaries, camp directors, and chaplains, except that an even higher percentage were over sixty years old. These are men in our immediate circles, not in the broader base of the Barna survey. Only about 10% of the pastors in my survey were under the age of forty. The number of men serving in “second man” pastoral staff positions who might conceivably become senior pastors was only about one-fourth to one-third the number needed. I challenge you to study your own circle of pastors and Christian servants and see what you find.
Causes of the Decline
What factors have contributed to the decline in Christian ministry? Ministerial enrollment generally declined in recent decades and then declined precipitously in recent years. Numerous Bible colleges and seminaries have struggled to remain open, while others have closed, further eroding the base of willing and well-trained workers. The decline of solid Christian families is without doubt a major factor. Too many parents prefer for the children to enjoy the good life of material comfort and success, the temporal over the eternal. Even worse, the pull of hedonism, the pollution of pornography, and the incessant distraction of visual media compromise the moral character, mental acuity, and spiritual focus of people young and old. Adolescence extends well into one’s twenties, with all too many young adults maturing late and wasting some of their best years in aimless, purposeless, self-absorbed living. Moral clarity on the most basic of biblical issues is confused by a culture that has reversed God’s intentions for His creation on almost every front. Today there still are many fine young people and young adults who are courageously going against the flow of the culture and seeking to put God first and foremost in their lives. How we commend them for their holy pursuit of God’s plan!
We must find a way forward. We must strive to accomplish the Great Commission in our day. Earth’s population is approaching 8 billion. A billion is a 1000 million. A million dollars is a stack of $1000 bills eight inches high. A billion dollars is a stack of $1000 bills 666 feet high— 111 feet higher than the Washington Monument! Think about the world’s massive population. Are we alarmed at how many are dropping into hell daily? The whole world needs to be reached for Christ: “The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few.” How great the need for missionaries, pastors, evangelists, educators, and support help to go with the gospel.
As Christ said, it begins with earnest prayer. He has promised to answer our prayers. We know what God did in the twentieth century, and we know that He can do it again. Thousands of Bible-believing churches were planted at home and abroad. Thousands of Christian schools were founded to educate young people. Numerous Christian colleges and seminaries prepared willing servants and leaders to go forth. Christian camps strongly contributed to the advance of the gospel. God touched thousands of pastors, missionaries, evangelists, Christian educators, and workers to go with the gospel. Many fine mission boards facilitated and upheld missionaries in their quest for souls. God can do it again! But we must seek Him in earnest prayer.
Christian workers often come from churches that are aflame for truth and souls. Churches should be revitalized with a renewed emphasis upon effective evangelism, discipleship, and mentoring in view of the Great Commission. We all need revival, repentance, and return to our first love! Preaching should emphasize the importance of individual spiritual gifts being used effectively. God’s work is teamwork! We should emphasize afresh the work of the ministry, missions, and full-time Christian service. Churches should look first within their own membership for men for ministry. Pastors should challenge children and young people about future service for Christ and find ways to get them started now. Be on the lookout for young couples and young singles with a special heart for God. Determine to develop preachers and leaders from within. Likeminded pastors should seek to network to prepare men for ministry in creative ways, if necessary. Christian colleges and seminaries should willingly partner with churches to find efficient, affordable, and effective ways to quickly prepare the next generation of pastors and missionaries. The leadership crisis is upon us. It is time to get serious and act.
The sheer number of churches that will face the coming shortage of pastors could be overwhelming. Churches can no longer expect a large stack of resumes when there are pastoral vacancies. Churches may need coordinated assistance in finding pastors. Churches and pastors may need guidance in how to transition to new pastoral leadership. Many retirement-age pastors will be looking for fruitful and fulfilling ministry in their upper years. There is much to do. There are many angles to the coming shortage. We are confident that God has everything under His control. All the gifts and resources are at His disposal. His power and purposes have not diminished in the least. God is able! He can do more than we can ever imagine! We must humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, and ask Him to show us the way forward.
Probing Questions
Here are some probing questions to assist you in thinking through what you can do.
Is there a need that I could personally meet through the dedicated exercise of the gifts and talents God has given to me?
Would I be willing to pray often that the Lord would send forth laborers from my family and local church?
Do I know a child or young person whom I could personally pray for and challenge to consider a life of full-time Christian service?
Is there a lesson that I could teach, a message that I could preach, or an innovation that I could use to assist in meeting the coming shortage of laborers?
Is there a person or couple that I could personally disciple or mentor toward ministry?
Is there a student that I could financially assist in pursuit of his/her serving God?
Is there a business that I could start to help fulfill the Great Commission?
Is there a discouraged pastor or Christian worker whom I could encourage and pray for?
Is there an already well-trained person or couple who dropped out of ministry? Could I redirect them toward ministry again?
Is there a church, church plant, camp, school, college, mission, or other ministry that I could personally assist through serving or giving?
Bruce McAllister has invested his life in preparing men for the ministry. He served at Bob Jones University for over forty years, primarily working with the ministerial class, church staffing, and student outreach ministries. At the time of publication of this article, he served as director of ministry relations for Gospel Fellowship Association Missions.
Bruce currently serves at Bob Jones University as Vice President for Ministry.
(Originally published in FrontLine • January/February 2021. Click here to subscribe to the magazine.)
Excellent article. Always appreciate Bruce MacAllister’s insight. My only disaggreement would be the title of the article. I do not believe that the shortage of pastors and missionaries is a “coming” problem. I believe it is a present problem that is going to get worse.
I am praying daily for the Lord to send forth laborers.
Hi David
Amen to all that. We need more men to stand in the gap (or the many gaps)
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
RE: Dr. McAllister’s bio sketch at the close of the article, I learned recently that the GFA church staffing site is no longer active.
Thanks, Joseph, for the correction. For articles from FrontLine, I copy the information from the FL article when published, so don’t check every detail. I knew Bruce’s position had changed, so added that on. Anyway, I’ll go in and delete that part of the bio.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
It’s always valuable to hear Bruce MacAllister’s perspective. I believe the current issue will only worsen. I pray daily for the Lord to send workers.
R3 Student Outreach provides opportunities for youth to excel in their personal development.
Unfortunately, God will not bless current efforts to train modern day prophets that they are the “better than thou” ones. This is Satan’s work. Seldom do you see a younger Pastor or teacher who is a “humble servant” of the Lord. Most are arrogant and self centered. This attitude turns people off and is not conducive to retaining our youth or anyone else in service to the Lord. I personally believe that God would rather there be a shortage of workers than a glut of “wolves in sheeps clothing”. The “Church” and it’s leaders today seems to be following the teachings of the Nicolations more than the Scriptures.
Jerry, I approved your comment, even though it doesn’t exactly deal with the subject of the article. I respond not to engage in what you say but to admonish you to find a good church somewhere where you can grow in the Spirit and become fruitful. While it is true that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing in some churches, it is vital that we don’t become embittered and isolationist. Jesus created the church. We need it, and we need to contribute to it. I hope you will find peace somewhere where you can grow.
PS: We don’t mean for our site to be a debating site as you find on many places on the web. Further posts along this line will not be published, although I am open to corresponding privately if you wish.
Don Johnson
Jer 33.3
Excellent article. I always value Bruce MacAllister’s insights. My only disagreement would be with the title of the article. I don’t think the shortage of pastors and missionaries is a “coming” problem. I believe it is an ongoing problem that will worsen.
I pray every day for the Lord to send laborers.