The Kind of People that God Uses
The Ideal
What kind of men and women does the Lord use mightily in ministry?
In answer to this question, we tend to think of individuals who seem very different from us. We might envision a strong, gifted evangelist who boldly preaches Christ to the masses. Perhaps we think of a rugged, pioneer missionary who fearlessly treks through the dense jungles to evangelize remote tribes in Africa. Maybe a brilliant theologian, popular conference speaker, or gifted writer comes to mind.
It’s safe to say that we typically don’t think of “ordinary” folks when we think of people that God uses greatly in His service.
Recently, I finished reading M.R. Conrad’s outstanding devotional, Daring Dependence. As I read through various biographical snapshots of faithful men and women from the past, I was reminded afresh of a simple but encouraging truth:
The Lord uses all kinds of people to reach all kinds of people.
Different but Same
Although their personalities, giftedness, and even theological perspectives might differ, people that God uses have some key things in common:
Love for Christ
First, their lives are marked by a simple, sincere love for Christ. Their love for the Lord manifests itself in joyful obedience to the Great Command (Mt 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Mt 28:18-20). Love for Christ also leads them to love the church and labor for its flourishing.
Dependence upon the Holy Spirit
People that God uses are keenly aware of their need for the power of the Holy Spirit. Apart from Christ, they know that they can do nothing (Jn. 15:3). Everything that they do apart from Christ is nothing. A pervasive sense of neediness compels them to prayerfully seek the presence and power of the Lord.
Sustained by the Scriptures
The Lord uses men and women of the Word. The word of Christ dwells richly within them (Col. 3:16) as they stand on the promises of Scripture. They read, study, memorize, and meditate upon the Scriptures. They don’t live “by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Mt. 4:4).
Love for the Gospel
Finally, the Lord uses people who love the gospel and lay down their lives for its advance. They can say with the Puritan Thomas Chalmers, “Christ’s glory and man’s eternal good are all we seek.” The love of Christ compels them to spend and be spent in the work of ministry (2 Cor. 5:14, 12:15). Their identity and service flow out of a deep union and communion with Christ.
A Word of Encouragement
You may not feel like you’re the kind of person that God can use. You might not have tremendous talent, a charismatic personality, or widespread influence. But in God’s eyes, those things aren’t prerequisites for fruitful ministry. The Lord delights in using simple things to confound the wise (1 Cor. 1:26-31). He loves to use ordinary folks who are consecrated to Him.
So, take heart and remember: the Lord uses all kinds of people to reach all kinds of people.
Micah Colbert is the discipleship and outreach pastor at Community of Grace Church in Buffalo, NY. You can find his booklet, Good News for All Nations, designed for evangelism in ESL encounters, here. This post first appeared on Rooted Thinking, we republish with permission.