Reclaiming the Language of “Temptation” for Same-Sex-Tempted and Contrary-Gender-Tempted Christians – Kindle Afresh
I recently sat in (yet another) seminar about how to counsel Christians who are tempted toward same-sex sexual activity or tempted to embrace a gender contrary to their birth sex. I left the seminar helped in a number of ways.
But I was struck once again—since I have begun to identify this as a pattern—that the word “temptation” (or “being tempted”) was never once uttered in the entire seminar. One of the leaders even made the claim that biblical language is insufficient for discussing this sensitive topic.
Well…yes and no. Granted, the Bible does not include vocabulary to describe every nuance related to our modern conversations regarding sex and gender. But there is a word (and derivatives of that word) commonly appearing in the Bible that appropriately and helpfully applies to each and every occasion in which someone desires something in the sexual realm outside of a God-established marriage between one man and one woman. That word is temptation.
It’s time for us to reclaim the language of temptation when talking about same-sex desires and contrary-gender desires with those who name the name of Christ
Photo by Beshef. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.
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