Is the Bible a Supernatural Book? — FrontLine
FRONTLINE Volume 32 • Number 3
How Does Fulfilled Prophecy Relate to the Believer?
Have you ever received a text or an e-mail telling you that you are the winner of a subscription, are eligible for a discount, or are the recipient of a gift card? More often than not those communications do not pan out. It is often not clear who sent them, and the messages ask you to supply personal information or to make a purchase, with the discounts or reimbursements promised to come later. I usually delete them without bothering to read them through. Why? “Consider the source” is a good rule to apply in these situations.
The Bible contains a host of prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled. They contain promises that matter to all who take the Bible seriously. These prophecies reveal to us characteristics of God, His priorities, His loves, and His plans. The prophecies still to come directly affect all of us because they disclose what will happen to us when we die and what will happen when the Lord returns. But why should we believe them? Consider the source!
This issue focuses on Bible prophecies that God has already fulfilled. The purpose is to highlight what God’s prophets predicted in advance which then came to pass. We see the importance of this when we examine the details of these events and the fact that God’s Word predicted them clearly, specifically, and accurately ahead of time.
God called His people to understand what He can do (Isa. 43). It remains important for us to remind ourselves of that fact—and that God will do the same with prophecies that have yet come to pass.
In this issue I am privileged to lead us on a visit to Joseph in the Book of Genesis (“Joseph’s Prophetic Dreams and Their Fulfillment”). Though Joseph interpreted the prophetic dreams of others, this article focuses on the ones God gave to Joseph himself. Joseph’s faith, based on his teenage dreams, sustained him through decades of trials, tribulations, and ultimately, triumph.
Dr. Doug Brown gives us a precise analysis of Psalm 110, which is the New Testament’s most-often-cited Old Testament passage (“The Prophecy of the Eternal King- Priest in Psalm 110”). The encouragement it gave Christians in the first century is surely worthy of our notice.
We have also included two articles on the Book of Isaiah. The first is by Dr. Tim Little, who provides a careful explanation of one of the most-attacked fundamentals of the faith—the Virgin Birth (“The Sign: The Virgin in Isaiah 7:14”). The second examines a passage that has always intrigued me: the prophecy from Isaiah 44 and 45, which amazingly predicts the name of the man who would release the Israelite captives from their exile—150 years later (“Isaiah’s Amazing Prophecy of King Cyrus”)!
The fact that nonbelievers attack the Book of Daniel nearly as much as they do Genesis (the Bible’s most-attacked book) is a testament to Daniel’s prophetic pinpoint accuracy. So Dr. Alan Cole revisits “Fulfilled Prophecy in Daniel 2 and 7,” and Mr. Charlie Carter details the mathematical formula by which Daniel 9 predicted Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem hundreds of years later (“The Fulfillment of Daniel’s ‘Seventy Weeks’ Prophecy”).
And, finally, we include Dr. Keith Kobelia’s survey of selected “Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies from the Book of Zechariah.”
Each of these writers passionately communicates God’s truth. Pay particular attention to the applications they bring. And may your confidence in God be strengthened mightily as you review and revel in God’s sovereign control over events both past and future.
Ken Rathbun
Joseph’s Prophetic Dreams and Their Fulfillment
Ken Rathbun
God’s faithfulness to Joseph’s prophecy reminds believers that His plans and purposes are always best.
The Prophecy of The Eternal King-Priest in Psalm 110
Douglas Brown
Most prophecy in Scripture is directly tied to God’s plan and promises.
The Sign: The Virgin in Isaiah 7:14
Timothy Allen Little
Matthew’s account of the virgin birth of Jesus is miraculous, simple, and straightforward. However, in the Old Testament context that simplicity is quickly questioned.
Isaiah’s Amazing Prophecy of King Cyrus
Ken Rathbun
Isaiah’s miraculous prediction of Cyrus’s granting the exiled Jewish people release from captivity provides assurance that God’s Word is trustworthy.
Sovereignty and Security, Power and Peace: Fulfilled Prophecy in Daniel 2 And 7
Alan D. Cole
Daniel chapters 2 and 7 hold a significant role in understanding the Book of Daniel.
The Fulfillment of Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks” Prophecy
Charlie Carter
We should be encouraged when we see that God’s Word is true in predicting two specific events relating to Christ.
Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies from the Book of Zechariah
Keith A. Kobelia
Zechariah is teeming with Messianic prophecies, recording some very detailed predictions.
FIRST PARTAKER: Fine Old Trowels for Despondent Builders
Mark Minnick
BRING … THE BOOKS: The New American Commentary
Carlos Galvan
STRAIGHT CUTS: Judge Not? (Matthew 7:1–5)
Ron Allen
WINDOWS: Being Thankful Without Ceasing!
Rick Arrowood
Following Only Christ
Linda Shumate
“Embarrassing” Prayer Promises? (Part 2)
Layton Talbert
A Brother’s Witness
Jim Tillotson
Be Strong in the Lord
Mike Shellman
Comforting Others in the Ministry
Jerry Sivnksty
Our sincere thanks to Dr. Ken Rathbun for coordinating this issue of FrontLine magazine.
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All illustrations in this edition are classic artworks by Gustave Doré (public domain).
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