The World in the Hands of an Angry God
The world is in the Hands of an angry God right now.
The Puritans are not that popular these days. People want very positive messages about a God that loves everyone. So, which is it? Is God the angry deity of Jonathan Edwards’ famous sermon, or the loving God of popular culture?
He is certainly not the sin approving God that many would want to make Him out to be, but He is both angry and loving. He is both judging and saving. Â And those that one day will stand accountable before Him must acknowledge both aspects of who He is.
As He stood on Mars Hill addressing the philosophers (Acts 17:22-34) the Apostle Paul addressed the problem of trying to create our own gods rather than accepting the reality of the God who actually exists.
He is the God who is, not the God we want Him to be.
Ignorance and wishing do not determine the nature of God. He is who He is regardless of what we think or know (Acts 17:23-25).
We do not get to make God in our image or according to our preferences. My opinion of who God is matters not at all. He is who He is, and more importantly, He is exactly who He says He is. Discount the biblical portrayal of the Heavenly One at your own peril.
He is the Creator (Acts 17:24-27).
He is the God who created the universe and all that is in it. He sustains all creation as well as every human being in it. We owe our origin and our continued existence to Him. He gives us life and breath. He makes the sunshine and the rainfall. He makes the crops grow. The natural world prospers or withers in His divine Hand. His providence has determined our past and will guide our future. He is all around us all at every moment.
He is not the creation (Acts 17:28-29).
He is not made of gold or silver. He is not the sun, moon, or an animal and humanity must not worship those things as if they are God. Humanity has a habit of worshiping the things God made rather than the God who made them. In arrogance, we even worship ourselves, denying the very existence of God to our own peril.
Lack of divine retribution is not evidence against the existence of God (Acts 17:30).
Some would like to deny the existence of God because it seems evil continues unaddressed in the world. Paul’s answer to this argument on Mars Hill was that God withheld judgment out of mercy. Such denial shows a lack of self-awareness. Humans act as if God is obligated to act according to their own individual standards of right and wrong. A person wants God–without mercy–to judge the sins of others, while completely ignoring his or her own moral violations. Our own demand for God’s justice would bring down God’s judgment on us too.
Now is the time to repent (Acts 17:30).
The time for wishing and denying is over. If you are reading this now, you are now being confronted with the truth. Admit there is a God. Admit that you have violated His righteous judgments. The God of love has paid for the price of forgiveness to those who will admit their need and receive it. Jesus paid the price of my sin and yours on the cross (Romans 5:1-8). Now is the time to admit your sinfulness in humility ask for His forgiveness. He saves all who will call on Him (Romans 19:9-13).
Judgment is coming for those who refuse (Acts 17:31).
Our world has turned its back upon God, but in more recent years, spectacularly so. The world is right now in the Hands of an Angry God. The destructive path of Romans 1:18-32 is running its course. It’s not the American culture that committing suicide, the self-destruction of humanity is a worldwide phenomenon. This destruction will continue into the worldwide calamities described in Revelation 4-19 and eventually with the eternal judgment described in Revelation 20. The judgment of humanity is not a someday event—it is happening here now.
I would love to paint the future as rainbows and roses, but the biblical description of the future of this planet is dire. No amount of whistling and wishing can change the inevitable judgment to come. Even true believers sometimes wince at messages such as these. We would rather talk of impending judgment in hushed tones among ourselves knowing that such truths are not popular fare for the greater world. However, Paul did not shy away from declaring the impending judgment and demands of God to the most intellectually intimidating crowd of His day.
The good news is that there is a way of escape. There is a path to forgiveness and eternal joy for those who believe. The condition is repentance (a change of attitude regarding yourself and your sinful condition) and dependence upon the work of Jesus Christ on the cross for forgiveness. Forgiveness does not come through changing your life, attending church, giving money, or meeting some sort of religious obligation. It does not come through human effort but rather by humbly receiving the grace of God.  You can receive salvation through Christ, or continue with the rest of the world on the path to destruction. What will you choose?
We would love to explain to you how to find forgiveness and restoration to God. Respond to this message on the Proclaimanddefend.org website and we will direct you to someone who can help.
God has already provided mercy for the souls of those who will receive it. Will you?