The Equality Act = Discrimination Against Christians

Like never before, an assault against Biblical Christianity, the church, the family, and our children in America exists today. Those who defy God’s Word regarding our sexual identity are in power and preying on the curiosity of precious children and luring them to experiment in ways that would destroy their lives. Dr. Ben Carson, brilliant retired pediatric neurosurgeon, describes the pushing of left-wing transgender ideology upon children as “child abuse.” I agree. Meanwhile, our Congress is seeking to pass an “Equality Act.” On the surface, it is meant to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. However, this act will render Bible believers unequal in our culture and opens the door for potential persecution by making sincerely held beliefs based on the Bible punishable by the law.1

This strangely worded piece of legislation supposedly against discrimination ironically allows a form of reverse discrimination against those who believe the truth that there are only two possible genders. At birth, every one of us is one or the other. This act attacks the founding principles of our nation. It forces changes on educational curriculum, may force doctors to perform sex change operations, limits Christians from adoptions, and much more. It will potentially punish financially and even criminally those who think differently than the government mandated “right-think” contained in this bill. The government is telling us what to think despite what the Bible teaches. Meanwhile, Congressman Jerry Nadler dangerously stated, “What any religious tradition describes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.” Such hubris brings the government perilously close to establishing itself as a religion that sees its view of creation as true and we must either agree or be punished.

Parents: teach your children the Bible truth! Affirm your sons as strong young men. Affirm your daughters as beautiful in God’s sight. There are some things in life we have no control over, but we trust God who decides these things for our own good. We do not decide our parents, the nation of our birth, or our gender. At birth the good hand of God chooses all these things for us and makes us either male or female — it was HIS choice not ours. God made Adam a male and Eve a female, and neither had a choice as to the matter. Today the lies the left promulgates are part of a spiritual war. We must stand firm and not waver. The Bible and scientific biology agree that there are two genders. This has been true from the beginning of time and government laws cannot change what God has ordained. Genesis 1:26-28.

Recommended reading:

The Heritage Foundation “11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021

Matt Recker is the pastor of Heritage Baptist Church in New York City.

  1. To read more: The “Equality Act” will have far-reaching consequences for para church ministries such as rescue missions, adoptions by Christians, female athletics, and more. See this article by NAE president Leith Anderson. []