Marxism is the problem, not the answer.
The Karl Marx solution to the problem of race was to let the strong stamp out the weak. He was a horrible racist. You can go here to see the quotes. They are too offensive to repeat here. Racism is the natural result of a godless world-view. So it is odd that an organization seeking to wipe out racism would espouse Marxism as its world-view. There is only one answer. It is a satanic lie and a deception.
Why does any life matter according to Darwin and Marx? The survival of the powerful is all that matters. In fact, what does “matter” mean? Does it mean that certain lives are important, deserve to be preserved, and deserve equal protection under the law? If that is what it means, I am all for it. I have no doubt that many who believe they are Marxists also sincerely oppose racism, but their anti-racism ideology must rest on thin air and is doomed to be emotional and inconsistent. The Abolitionists of the mid-19th century had a more substantial ideological foundation.
God’s word and the world-view that results from a proper understanding of it is the solution to the race problem.
There is only one race.
God created two people—Adam and Eve (Genesis 1-2). All human beings are descendants of this initial pair. There is only one race—the human race. We are all brothers and sisters under God. Skin pigmentation makes no more difference than hair color, eye color, height, or any other of a myriad of physical distinctives.
All human beings bear the image of God.
Adam and Eve were created in God’s image and all their children bear that image (Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:6). Humanity is unique in all creation. No other living creatures bear the image of their Creator. Because of that, we are all alike before God. No individual is superior or inferior to another. Marx saw many ethnic groups as inferior in various ways. God does not. In His church, there is neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, bond or free (Galatians 3:28).
Every human life is precious.
Life belongs to God not human beings and the wanton taking of human life is a sin against the One who created it (Genesis 9:6). So yes, black lives matter and are precious to God and belong to God (Psalm 139:13-17). The murder of any human being is an attack on Him.
God demands justice for all.
He requires all of His servants to treat others justly (Micah 6:8) and has a special place in His heart for those that are abused by others. In Bible times, such abuse was not usually ethnic as much as it was economic. Widows and orphans often found themselves at the mercy of the rich and powerful. God demands that they be protected, not only in the Old Testament economy but also in the New Testament church. From its very foundation, caring for such needy people among its membership was a church priority (James 1:27).
God holds individuals responsible for their own actions.
God never promises equality of opportunity or privilege. The inequity of experience is as diverse as humanity itself—not just between ethnic groups, but within ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. Our privileges also vary based upon the decade in which we were born, our biological gifts (intelligence, creativity, perceived beauty, physical strength, and agility, etc). Even though circumstances and privilege vary among all of us, how we behave—how we respond—to the circumstances in which we find ourselves is what matters to God. God does not hold us responsible for the sins of others, but rather for our own behavior (Ezekiel 18:20). It is not about what you have, it is about what you do with what you have been given.
God intends His church family to be diverse.
The Church of Acts had many different national origins and languages represented. The ultimate congregation in heaven will have many more.
And they sang a new song, saying:
You are worthy to take the scroll, and to open its seals; for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation (Revelations 5:9).
Just because people twist the scriptures to justify the abuse of others does not impugn the integrity of the Bible itself. God Himself is the greatest anti-racist inclusionist in the universe. He sent His own Son to die on a cross and pay the sin debt of every soul regardless of any man-imagined characteristic that might divide people from one another. He did this so that He might call all of them—regardless of their differences—His children and welcome them as full members into His own family.
Today, racism is being used as an excuse to propagate more racism, hate as an excuse to hate, and fear as a tool for power.
Run away from the lies of this wicked generation. Jesus is the only answer. He always has been and always will be.