The Fundamentals: Creation and Its Implications
FrontLine: May/June 2020 | VOLUME 30 | NUMBER 3
When Darwin’s theory of evolution appeared during the latter half of the nineteenth century, American Christians were not prepared to respond. Theological liberals, having already abandoned their commitment to Scripture, quickly adopted the new theory. Some conservatives also thought that perhaps the biblical language of Creation could accommodate some form of evolution, just as it had previously accommodated a heliocentric solar system. They tried to find ways to make the Bible fit evolution. This effort, however, was doomed from the start. Biblical language was simply too clear to get around. By the 1920s the most conservative Christians were becoming known for their defense of Creation against all forms of evolution.
The geological clock, which called for an ancient earth, remained a problem for conservatives. They made several attempts to fit the biblical timeline around it. The “Gap Theory” was one such effort; the “Day-Age Theory” was another. The problem with these theories was that they could not explain the presence of sin and death before Adam’s fall. Eventually conservatives noticed that Noah’s flood could explain the geology while still permitting them to affirm a young earth, a historical Adam, and a historical fall that introduced death into the world. Not long after mid-twentieth- century, conservative Christians began abandoning other theories in favor of flood geology and a young earth.
Biblical creationism remains important for at least three reasons. First, the presence of sin and death must be grounded in the historical Adam. Second, the redemption secured by Christ as the second Adam mirrors the damage done by the first Adam. Third, the Bible bases its teaching about human nature upon the narratives of Creation, Fall, and Flood. For example, a true ecology, political theory, and economic theory must be informed by these early narratives. Furthermore, the Bible appeals to the early chapters of Genesis to establish an understanding of sex, gender, marriage, and even church leadership.
The articles in this issue of FrontLine divide into two series. The first series revisits the debate over Creation versus evolution. Jeff Straub compares the debate among evangelicals today to the conflict with liberals a century ago. Michael Riley points out the connection between Creation (first things) and eschatology (last things). Mark Snoeberger asks whether the biblical timeline allows any flexibility at all in calculating the date of Creation.
The second series of articles draws out the implications of creation for the currentlydebated problems of sex, gender, and marriage. I have written an article that provides a miniature theology of sex and gender. Ryan Martin proposes a biblical definition of marriage and explains why we must defend that definition. Brett Williams argues that “homosexuality” is a new label for an old disorder of the affections that does not define the person who experiences it.
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” This opening verse of Scripture is as relevant today as it ever was. It is the bedrock upon which the entire system of biblical faith and practice rests.
—Kevin Bauder
A Question of Origins: Evangelicalism’s Love Affair with Evolution
Jeff Straub
God created a “very good” world in six twenty-four-hour days. Why is this hard to believe?
Why Does Creationism Matter?
Michael Riley
My commitment to Creationism begins with the assumption that the normal reading of the opening of Genesis is the correct one.
What Do We Mean, “Young Earth”?
Mark A. Snoeberger
The very idea of alternatives makes us uneasy.
Creation, Sex, and Gender
Kevin T. Bauder
What the Bible teaches about sex and gender is essential to human nature and flourishing.
What Is Marriage and Why Should We Defend It?
Ryan J. Martin
Our resolve to protect marriage will crumble if it does not lie upon a firm foundation.
Evangelical and Gay?
Brett Williams
“Evangelicals will more or less come to embrace homosexuality in the next twenty to thirty years.”
God’s Image Bearers: Loving Our Neighbors in a Fallen World
David Shumate
Instead of choosing sides in the current racial divide we must choose a third option.
News from All Over
On the Home Front
Regional Reports
Position Statements 2020
On Language & Scripture
Mark Ward
At a Glance: The Necessity of a Historical Adam and Eve
Layton Talbert
Offering Hope to the Homosexual and Transgender
Annetta Small
Suffering and Surviving COVID-19
Christian Torres
Biblical Spiritual Goals
Jerry Sivnksty
Sound Words – Inspiration for the Pastor’s Study
First Partaker: “Bless Me, O Lord, Bless Me!” – Mark Minnick
Bring … the Books: David O. Beale, In Pursuit of Purity: American Fundamentalism Since 1850 – Andy Merkle
Straight Cuts: “I Charge You, O Ye Daughters of Jerusalem” – Will Senn
Windows: Heaven – Dale Heffernan
FrontLine • May/June 2020. Click here to subscribe to the magazine.
Congratulations to Frontline for a great line up…
Will look forward to reading these articles…
Straight Ahead!
Joel Tetreau
Southeast Valley Bible Church
Institute of Biblical Leadership
IFCA International – AZ, Europe Regional Leadership