Understanding Narrative Passages

We are all probably very familiar with the narratives of Scripture. If you are a new Christian, the narratives might still be new to you. Over time, they will all become familiar. We love to tell and retell these stories.

Familiarity breeds, not contempt in this case, but probably some loss of understanding. In addition, we sometimes approach the stories of Scripture in a casual way, failing to read for true understanding and then failing to make pertinent application to our own lives, let alone those whom God gives us to disciple.

Numerous books and articles help us with understanding and application. See our recent article on application by Michael Miller as an example. It is worth your time to do some reading so that you can train yourself to better understand and apply the Bible.

Today we offer a resource that might be a real help for understanding and applying narrative Scriptures. You no doubt are aware that we need to think in different terms when analyzing differing genres of Scripture. We just will not interpret the poetry of the Psalms in the same way as the stories of 1 and 2 Samuel. Nor will we interpret the Gospels and Acts like the Epistles.

Our resource today comes to us from our friend Kristopher Schaal, associate pastor at Life Point Baptist Church in Apple Valley, CA. Kris gives us a two page worksheet to help us ask the right questions of a narrative passage. Using this approach will help you interpret a narrative passage in its context and in light of its purpose in Scripture. I’ve created an interactive pdf version of the file if you want to create an electronic note rather than a paper one. We hope you find it useful.

Interpreting Narrative Worksheet

Interpreting Narrative Worksheet – Interactive

Worksheet by Kris Schaal. Kris Schaal is the Associate Pastor at Life Point Baptist Church, Apple Valley, CA. He wrote this piece for his church blog, we adapted it for Proclaim & Defend with permission.

Don Johnson is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada.


  1. Barbara Harper on June 22, 2019 at 9:04 am

    The worksheet is very helpful! Thanks you!