2019 Torchbearer Award – Dr. Ed Nelson
Tonight at the opening service of the Foundations Baptist Fellowship Annual Fellowship, it was our pleasure to honor Dr. Ed Nelson for his many years of service. Dr. Nelson is 95 years old. He climbed the steps to the podium to offer his thanks, not wanting to wait for a portable mic. Of course, that is just like Dr. Nelson, a man who spent his life getting things done for the Lord.
Our host for this year’s meeting is Red Rocks Baptist Church (previously called South Sheridan Baptist Church), the church Dr. Nelson planted as part of his long and fruitful ministry.
The citation of the award reads:
Torchbearer Award
presented to
Dr. Ed Nelson
In appreciation for
his lifetime of scriptural leadership,
his faithfulness to the fundamentals of the faith, and
his remarkable personal commitment in the
spread of the gospel and church planting
both in the US and around the world.
Given at the 99th Annual Fellowship of the
Foundations Baptist Fellowship International
Red Rocks Baptist Church
Morrison, Colorado
June 10, 2019
From our archives, you might like the transcripts of a telephone interview conducted by your editor with Dr. Nelson in 2015: