Thirteen Characteristics of the Holy Spirit
The Scripture provides a number of phrases that describe the characteristics of the Holy Spirit.
He is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13; 1 John 4:6). As such, He guides us into all truth and seeks to keep us from error.
He is the Spirit of holiness (Rom. 1:4). As such, He separates us unto God from all that is anti-God.
He is the Spirit of life in Christ (Rom. 8:2). As such, He imparts life to those who depend on Him to keep us from the deadness of the flesh, both irreligious flesh and religious flesh.
He is the Spirit of adoption (Rom. 8:15). As such, when we are born again as babes in Christ, He also adopts us as mature sons with all the access rights to our inheritance in Christ.
He is the Spirit of faith (2 Cor. 4:13). As such, when we look unto Jesus through the Word, He authors faith in our hearts by convincing us of the reality of truth so that we might exercise faith.
He is the Spirit of promise (Eph. 1:13). As such, He seals us unto the day of redemption, moving into and joining our regenerated spirits, promising there is more to come.
He is the Spirit of wisdom (Eph. 1:17). As such, He imparts to us discernment and skill to apply biblical knowledge to real life.
He is the Spirit of revelation in the knowledge of God (Eph. 1:17). As such, He reveals to us the person of God to enhance our relationship with God and keep us from ritualism.
He is the Spirit of power (2 Tim. 1:7). As such, He imparts divine ability because spiritual ministry demands spiritual energy.
He is the Spirit of love (2 Tim. 1:7). As such, He imparts supernatural love that would otherwise not be experienced.
He is the Spirit of a sound mind (2 Tim. 1:7). As such, He keeps us stable and free from instability and vacillation.
He is the Spirit of grace (Heb. 10:29). As such, He is the agent of the Godhead who supernaturally enables us to do the will of God.
He is the Spirit of glory (1 Pet. 4:14). As such, He radiates the glory of Jesus in us so we are aglow with Christ.
What a glorious Holy Spirit—the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Son!
This article originally appeared on Revival Focus. We republish it by permission.
John Van Gelderen is an evangelist and the president of Revival Focus Ministries, an organization for the cause of revival in hearts, homes, churches, and beyond, and for evangelizing. His blog is focused on experiencing Jesus. He believes in order to really live, you must access and experience the very life of Jesus Christ.