Wars and Rumors of Wars
FrontLine: January/February 2019 | VOLUME 29 | NUMBER 1
December 8, 1941: The headlines across the country read, “WAR!” and “US at War!” Again our country would find itself in the throes of a worldwide conflict. Whether or not we would be victorious in this conflict, at least part of the outcome would be the same: many American young men would die in battle, and thousands of others would come off battlefields from around the world bearing the scars of war—where countries choose to defend their sovereignty and where kings settle disputes.
War is not new to mankind. It has been a part of our history from the beginning of time and from the introduction of sin into God’s perfect creation, and it will continue to be the norm until the Lord returns. Many look forward to the day when the trumpet shall sound “and the dead in Christ shall rise.” We anticipate this event to occur at any time, and many attempt to calculate the Lord’s return by comparing Scripture such as Matthew 24:6 (“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”) to current events. But what does this really mean, and what should the role of the Christian be until “the end” comes?
In this edition, “Wars and Rumors of Wars,” we will briefly explore the eschatological premise of this important passage as well as take an account of what the Lord would have us do until His return. We will also discuss the military’s establishment of the office of the chaplaincy at the onset of the American Revolution and will present instances in which chaplains have made a difference in our society by sharing the truth of God’s Word with men and women who desperately need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God is still making a difference in the lives of His creation every day, and our mission is quite simple: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” May God find us faithful in the endeavor, whether we are laymen, pastors, evangelists, missionaries, or chaplains serving around the world.
FBFI dedicates this edition to the brave men and women who for centuries have chosen to run into the battle instead of running from it—to the brave men and women who have answered the call of our government to defend the freedoms we so gratefully possess—to the brave men and women who protect our streets, who protect our homes, and who tend to us at a minute’s notice when we find ourselves in danger, unable to tend to ourselves. To them we are eternally grateful!
—Joe Willis
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Kevin Bauder
Because the Bible never gives us any signs of the Rapture, we are supposed to expect it at any moment.
Until He Returns: Chaplains in Secular Institutions
Tavis Long
Institutional ministry may seem counterintuitive for chaplains, especially for independent Baptists, who have historically separated from the secular.
Starting Off Right: The Choice to Put Chaplains in the Military
Matthew Myers
Military chaplaincy in the United States began early in our history.
Deck-Plate Ministry
Tony Pelc
What makes chaplains effective?
The Second Great War
Matthew Sanders
Since the inception of the Chaplain Corps in 1775, the heart of military ministry has remained the same.
Clinical Pastoral Education: A Century of Health-Care Chaplaincy
John C. Vaughn
What is sorely needed after a century of health-care chaplaincy is a better understanding of the biblical basis of chaplaincy.
Chaplaincy and Evangelism
David A. Oliver
The question remains: Can a chaplain share the gospel with those under his care?
Understanding Chaplain Endorsers
John C. Vaughn
The Consequences of Our Choices
Chris Pelletier
Mail Bag & News from All Over
On the Home Front
Wit & Wisdom
David Atkinson
How Can I Decide What Is Right for Me in These Changing Times?
David C. Innes
Regional Reports
Notable Quotes
Robert Condict
On Language & Scripture
Mark L. Ward Jr.
At a Glance — The Church: An In-House Discussion
Layton Talbert
Balancing Chaplaincy and Church Responsibilities
Mike Ascher
The Marvel of Conversion
Jerry Sivnksty
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