1,000 Scientists Sign Up to Dissent from Darwin | Answers in Genesis
This past weekend was “Evolution Weekend,” a concept created by the Clergy Letter Project, founded by Prof. Michael Zimmerman. This was the 14th such weekend designed “to elevate the quality of the discussion on this critical topic [religion and science], and to show that religion and science are not adversaries.” Really, it’s an attempt to get Christians to compromise God’s Word with aspects of the religion of naturalism and atheism.Only 231 congregations were expected to participate, and most are extremely liberal theologically or not even Christian denominations (such as Unitarians). Some of the groups are even openly humanistic, so it’s no surprise they are celebrating evolution. Churches across the US and a few in Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, Italy, and England participated.This celebration of evolution came just before Darwin Day, February 12, when many people celebrate the popularizer of biological evolution, Charles Darwin. As Christians, we must recognize evolution for what it is—not a “proven” scientific idea, as some would mistakenly claim, but an anti-God, anti-Bible ideology imposed on the evidence. It’s an ideology that attempts to explain life without God, giving supposed rational justification for atheism and naturalism.
Evolution is a bankrupt ideology that can’t explain biological origins (as we powerfully show in a brand-new book, Glass House, now available for preorder). And scientists—many of whom are not creationists—are recognizing this. An online document, called Dissent from Darwin, has been signed by over 1,000 scientists, including many from highly respected institutions. These scientists say:
Source: 1,000 Scientists Sign Up to Dissent from Darwin | Answers in Genesis
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