Book Review: Daily Devotionals by Stewart Custer
Stewart Custer, well-known professor at Bob Jones University and pastor at Trinity Bible Church, 1 was the most prolific Bible faculty author at BJU, producing small booklets, commentaries, Bible study helps, a Greek synonym study, and his beautiful color book on the Holy Land, with pictures he took himself on his many tours of the region. He also wrote three daily devotional books: God’s Promises New Every Day (2004), Wonderful Words (2006), and The Way of the Lord (2009). These three daily devotionals are much more than the standard devotional book. They contain the basis for serious study, teaching, and preaching. The paper used for Wonderful Words and God’s Promises has floral designs, which give the devotionals a relaxed, comfortable feeling. Dr. Custer loved botany, and perhaps this reflects that interest.
God’s Promises New Every Day, as the name implies, focuses on God’s promises. The January 1 devotional starts appropriately with Genesis 1:1. The devotionals for December 26-31 end the book focusing on the last promises in the Bible in Revelation 22. Each devotional ends with a “Golden thought” and Bible quotation. Some quotations from this book:
“Seeking God is the highest purpose a human being can have.”
“The believer’s life is always an indication of the kind of God he serves.”
“Searching the Scriptures and then faithfully walking that pathway are always the right way for the believer.”
“We must not be intimidated by midgets when we have the Lord of all on our side.”
“We must walk humbly with Him and obey His Word, for He is leading us homeward.”
“Only God can satisfy the deepest longings of His people. He will have all eternity to do it.”
In Wonderful Words, Dr. Custer bases each daily reading on one word. The brief devotional writing focuses on verses that use that word. Almost all of the devotionals are Scripture quotations about that particular word, with very little comment from Dr. Custer. Usually the only comment from Dr. Custer is the “Golden Thought” at the bottom of the page. The devotionals are in alphabetical order, starting with “abide” and ending with “zeal”. Some of the words he includes are “delight, excellent, happy, liberty, much more, old, please, remember, wait”. Appropriately, the devotionals for December 24 and 25 focus on “wonderful” and “word”. Many of these devotionals are excellent first steps in personal word studies.
The devotionals in The Way of the Lord focus on the Christian life and “path through this world” (Preface). Each devotional has verses and discussion that relate to the themes of “way” or “path” and include a prayer at the bottom of the page. Some quotations from this book:
“All believers should remember that the Lord still leaves the wicked in the land to test His people to see if they will walk in His ways or not.”
“We must learn how to walk with God, not running ahead, and not lagging behind. His presence is the great blessing of our life.”
God’s Word “creates serenity in the face of hardship, peace in times of stress, and joy in the face of sorrow.”
“Walking the Lord’s pathway always leads homeward.” (Many of the daily readings emphasize that the believer’s path leads home to the Lord.)
Perhaps one day someone will write a biography of Dr. Custer. His many publications, sermons, and teaching notes would produce a fine life of a servant of the Lord. A biography could also include his many years as a pastor. Another interesting study would be to analyze his preaching at Trinity Bible Church. Many are still available through SermonAudio. These devotionals are an excellent way to see the devotional heart of a Fundamentalist Bible scholar.
BJU Press publishes these excellent books, but the retail price ($16.50) is too high for books of this size (The books are small, 5 x 6 inches). A lower price would make these books more accessible. You can find some copies at Amazon at a lower price.
Wally Morris is pastor of Charity Baptist Church in Huntington, IN. The church blogsite is amomentofcharity.blogspot.com. He has also published A Time To Die: A Biblical Look At End-Of-Life Issues by Ambassador International.