On the home-going of Beneth Peters Jones
It was with a great sense of joy and of loss that we received the news on Saturday of Beneth Jones’ heavenward journey. There is joy in knowing that she is now completely cancer free and in the bliss of her Savior’s presence. Heaven is real. It is not death’s consolation prize. It is the place of true joy for every believer and of reward for those who have run life’s race well. The last six months surely have been difficult and exhausting for Beneth, her husband, and the rest of the family. We all hope that there can be rest now in knowing that she is with her Savior.
We are all feeling a great sense of loss too.
Dr. Bob Jones III and Beneth Jones have in many ways been the faces of fundamentalism for me for as long as I can remember. Beneth’s immense talent has been used by God in a full lifetime of Christian service. She has been a dearly loved women’s speaker, talented actress on stage, gifted writer, and gracious hostess. Dr. Bob and Beneth seem so perfectly matched with one another and truly in love with each other to the very end of their earthly journey together. The burdens of leadership–especially those that have been on the shoulders of Dr. Bob III throughout his ministry–are much greater than most can possibly imagine. That kind of leadership burden demands a great price not only of the leader, but also of his wife and family. Much of what has made Dr. Bob Jones III so effective in his long ministry has been the faithful, wise, and loving companionship of his wonderful wife. Beneth not only enabled, helped, and supported her husband but also ministered quite effectively in her own right for years with that wonderful self-deprecating humor and gracious spirit.
It has only been in recent years that my wife and I have begun to know Dr. Bob and Beneth Jones as personal friends, and it is in that sense that Sandy and I have found our deepest admiration for them. They have both been such incredibly patient and attentive listeners. How difficult that must be with so many friends in ministry! Beneth would ask about our entire family by name and tell us that she and Dr. Bob pray for our family daily. We were so humbled and encouraged to hear these words. We know that prayer list must be quite long with all the people in ministry that they know and care for so deeply. We have all lost a great prayer warrior in the home-going of Beneth Jones.
In the end, all her great talent and tireless ministry fades in the bright shining light of her sweet humble Christian character and in her kind demonstration of Christian love.
We will truly miss Beneth Peters Jones. Dr. Bob, Roxanne, Bob IV, Stephen, and the rest of the family, our hearts and prayers are with you all in your time of loss–and rejoicing.
Lovely tribute. She was the “pastor’s wife” to pastors and ministry wives all around the world. Her gracious life was a light and an example for so many. We are truly thankful for her life.
What a tremendous couple and loyal friends! Beneth was such an encouragement through my own wife’s cancer, which took her life 6 1/2 years ago. She will be greatly missed by all!
Aunt Benne is what we called her. She would spend summers with us, in the middle of nowhere. My mother, Dacia, was her oldest sister. The “Nowhere” was on the Columbia River known as Lake Roosevelt. I admired her grace and beauty then and more so through her many years of Christian service. It was because of her I attended Bob Jones University in the mid sixties, where I accepted Christ as my Savior.
We celebrate her full, rich life and now her reunion with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.