‘LGBT Christians’ conf. draws SBTS, ERLC responses
Among Southern Baptists, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President R. Albert Mohler Jr. has criticized some aspects of the conference, as have the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission staff and Denny Burk, president of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.Karen Swallow Prior, an English professor at Liberty University and an ERLC research fellow, has endorsed the stated goals of the conference. Research fellows meet once a year for a two-day meeting and do not speak for the organization, according to the ERLC.
When asked by a separate messenger whether the ERLC would “disavow” Revoice and whether it would retain Prior as a fellow, Moore said, “I don’t know about the Revoice Conference, but I do know” Prior “has committed herself to go anywhere and everywhere and stand up and tell the truth about God’s Word about human sexuality.”
Source: ‘LGBT Christians’ conf. draws SBTS, ERLC responses
Comment: Worldly pressure for conformity is unrelenting. The statements of Moore and Mohler are generally welcome, but Moore’s comments also illustrate the folly of “going anywhere and everywhere.” We should not legitimize sin and perversion by even an appearance of tacit approval. – dcsj
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