Omniscient God
Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. Psalm 147:5
We worship an omniscient God. There has been a movement over the last couple of decades to redefine the omniscience of God. The problem that some see with the Bible presentation of omniscience is that it seems to contradict His love. After all, how could a loving God create a being that He knows He will have to punish in His justice for eternity? There is no easy answer to that question. But in an effort to “fix” God, theologians wipe out God’s sovereignty and posit a God infinitely smaller than what scripture clearly presents.
The real marvel is that such a holy God would create and love such creatures as us. The more we meditate upon His infinite knowledge, the deeper that love appears.
God knows us—every action, every thought, every emotion, every secret thing. Not only does he know every reality about us, He also knows our every possibility. He knows every sin we would have committed given the opportunity. He knows every good thing we neglected and the potential results of every decision. In spite of what to us would be horrible knowledge, He still chose to love us, send His Son to die for us, and draw us through His Holy Spirit unto Himself.
Such knowledge [and love] is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain unto it [it is too high for me to understand]. Psalm 139:6