The Heart of Modesty
P&D weblog
Our post today features an article by Rachel Hicks on modesty. In “The Heart of Modesty” Rachel offers some correctives to the idea that modesty is primarily an effort to avoid being provocative. In fact, modesty is the fruit of spiritual living and thinking. She suggests focusing on “not being provocative” “take modesty and make the solution human-centered instead of God-centered.” Instead of this approach, Rachel draws our attention to the Bible.
First, modesty is a matter of bringing glory to God by (among other things) the way we dress.
So rather than getting dressed because we want to attract attention to ourselves, we dress in a way that would not distract from God being glorified. … We also don’t dress in the same long, brown garment every day because this would also bring the attention to us and away from God.
When dress is immodest, it is sinful because “when you dress in a way that draws attention to yourself, you are robbing glory from the One who has redeemed your soul.”
Second, in deciding how to live a modest lifestyle, she notes that circumstances of life may dictate some standards of dress. A young lady is subject to her parents, an institution (work or school) could require certain standards, and a married woman may be subject to her husband’s standards. However, she says, “Submission to any authority is important, but it also is not sufficient.”
The next step (or first step if you are not under an authority) is to search out your own heart. Spend time seeking Scripture and praying. The way in which you dress is something that must be a conviction from the Holy Spirit. Look to the Bible for guiding principles. Then spend time in prayer asking God for the grace to know how you can glorify Him through your dress.
There are more helpful observations in the article, be sure to read the whole thing.
Rachel closers her piece with this: “Modesty comes from a heart that is devoted to seeing God glorified in your life. This desire will grow as you spend time in His word and in prayer, getting to know God’s character better. Having a broader understanding of what pleases and displeases God will help you serve Him in all aspects of your life, including how you dress.”
Devotion to God should be the lifestyle of the disciple. This is the heart of modesty and indeed the Spirit-filled life.