May/June 2016 FrontLine: Creationism

May_June 2016

FrontLine May/June 2016 | VOLUME 26 | NUMBER 3


The Truth of Scripture Concerning Creation

Larry Oats


Dennis Venema is a senior fellow at BioLogos Foundation, a Christian group that attempts to reconcile faith and science. In an August 9, 2011, interview he told Wisconsin National Public Radio that there is no possibility that humans can be traced back to a single couple.

With the mapping of the human genome, he argues that modern humans emerged from other primates as a large population—long before the Genesis timeframe of a few thousand years ago. Given the genetic variation of people today, he says scientists cannot get the original humanoid population size below 10,000 people at any time in our evolutionary history. To get down to just two ancestors, Venema says, “you would have to postulate that there’s been this absolutely astronomical mutation rate that has produced all these new variants in an incredibly short period of time. Those types of mutation rates are just not possible. It would mutate us out of existence.”1

This is the state of much of the unbelieving world and, sadly, part of the Evangelical world as well. Science is viewed as absolutely true, while Scripture is, at least in the early chapters of Genesis, unreliable. In this issue of FrontLine, Maranatha Baptist University seeks to focus our attention on the truth of Scripture concerning creation. Science frequently changes its mind, although after each shift, the new truth is now the only truth. Scripture remains constant. Yes, it does require faith to accept the truth of God’s Word, especially in light of the “truth” of science, but faith is at the heart of fundamental Christianity. We trust that these articles will strengthen your faith.


Beware the Hermeneutics of Accommodation
David Saxon

It is naïve to say that biblical interpretation should never be accommodated to extrabiblical data.

Imago Dei and the (Re)Shaping of Our Image
Bruce Meyer

Man’s view of humankind has been severely distorted by the foolish thinking that he himself deems as wise.

Hermeneutics and Genesis 1:1–2:3
Preston L. Mayes

God’s covenant with the patriarch Abraham led to the blessings that Christians now enjoy.

Incompatible Trajectories
Andrew Hudson

Attempts to harmonize creation and evolution have come primarily from the Christian community.

1 Corinthians 15:20–50: Adam Is Dead
Larry Oats

Science has convinced many that we no longer need Adam.


Mail Bag & News from All Over

On the Home Front

Wit & Wisdom
David Atkinson

At a Glance: The Story of David, Part 6
Layton Talbert

Robert Condict

On Language & Scripture
Mark L. Ward Jr.

Regional Reports
FBFI Chaplains—An Increasing Influence
John C. Vaughn

Preparing to Pray
Jerry Sivnksty

(Click here to subscribe to the magazine.)

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