FBFI Central Region Fellowship Meeting – Norfolk, NE
For information about the host church, please click here.
Sharing Effective Faith
“That the communication (sharing) of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.” Philemon 6
FBFI Central Regional 2015
Fall Conference October 19-20
Community Bible Church
401 East Park Avenue
Norfolk, NE 68701
402-371-5000 Church
402-750-0555 Pastor Hess
402-371-3587 Fax
It is one thing to know there is a God, It is another thing to know the God that is!
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. John Vaughn, President, Fundamental Baptist Fellowship
Dr. Vaughn is the former pastor of Faith Baptist Church and Founder of Hidden Treasures Christian School located in Greenville, SC. He serves on many boards and commissions. He has authored books: More Precious Than Gold and Courage and Compassion. Dr. Vaughn has also served as chaplain for the Greenville Police Department
Dr. Thomas Nieman, Northwest Baptist Assistance Ministries, Monroe, WA
Dr Thomas and Marilyn Nieman of Northwest Baptist Assistance Ministries Monroe, WA. Pastor Nieman has served the Lord for many years at pastorates in Iowa, Wisconsin, Florida, and Washington State. At present he is serving as the director of Northwest Baptist Assistance Ministries ministering mainly in Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington States. The objective of this ministry is to assist churches and encourage pastors and God’s servants.
Other Speakers
Larry Karsies
Pastor Larry Karsies serves at Harvest Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, OK
Timothy Bullock
Pastor Timothy Bullock is planting a church in Geneva, Nebraska
Monday, October 19:
6:00 pm – Registration and Refreshments
7:00 pm – Welcome and Special Music
Dr. John Vaughn: “Thankfulness–The Prerequisite to Effective Fellowship” – Philemon 4-7
Tuesday, October 20
8:30 am – Prayer Session Dr. Larry Karsies
9:00 am – Dr. John Vaughn – “Effective Leaders are Loving Leaders” – Philemon 8-9
10:00 am Break in the Fellowship Hall
10:15 am – Pastor Tim Bullock – “Sharing Our Faith in Our Samaria”
11:15 am – Dr. Thomas Nieman “Ye Shall Receive Power”
Ladies Session: Marilyn Nieman “Unique Issues for Pastor’s Wives”
12:30 pm – Lunch in the Fellowship Hall
1:30 pm – Dr. John Vaughn – “Interceding With and For Each Other” – Philemon 10-25
Ladies Session: QA – Anne Marie Hess
2:45 pm Break in Fellowship Hall
3:15 pm – Dr. Thomas Nieman “Some Have Not the Knowledge of God”
4:45 pm Dinner at Local Restaurants
7:00 pm Dr. Thomas Nieman – “I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel of Christ”
Nursery will be provided for both evening services.
Please call or e-mail Pastor Hess to provide a count for the luncheon and refreshments. A free-will offering will be taken to help offset the expenses for the conference.
We look forward to serving you and fellowshipping with one another.
Pastor Arin Hess
cell – 402-750-0555