Articulating the Gospel: FrontLine Mar/Apr 2013




Articulating the Gospel
Jeff Musgrave

Among those in our pews who understand the gospel well, how many of them can articulate it clearly, concisely, and compellingly to the lost?

Relational Evangelism
Anna Musgrave

Develop relationships for the purpose of giving the gospel.

Shifting from “Come” to “Go”
Kevin Schaal

Many of us have been trying to evangelize our homeland as though it is a Christian culture. It is not.

Proclaiming Freedom to the Captives
Jim Berg

What started as a casual conversation with my pastor about ministry to addicts accelerated very quickly into reality.

The Passion of Student Movement for Christ International
Mike Redick

It’s amazing what a person can do and often does when he has a passionate love for someone or something.

The Opalescence of a Testimony
Jim Oesterwind

Each person will have a unique testimony, perceived differently by others, unique in their perceptions or “lines of sight.”

Evangelism Using The Exchange
Compiled by Gordon Dickson

Compiled by Anna Musgrave

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