Murmuring, Discord and Division
We read in the Scriptures of the spiritual prosperity of the early church. A great love prevailed in the believers so that they “had all things common” (Acts 5:32). The apostles gave “witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them all” (Acts 5:33). As a result, the “number of…
Rediscovering Depth in Authentic Friendships
I don’t know what you are hearing, but I feel like I am constantly hearing two complaints from young adults today: 1) Loneliness is a huge problem; 2) Young adults greatly desire serious friendships and mentors. One would think that, if so many young men and women are lonely and desirous of friendships with depth…
Jeremiah, the Wooden Literalist
Many Christian interpreters of the Bible will readily call you anti-intellectual, obscurantist, and other nice epithets if you dare to believe the Bible really means what it says. You will be decried as a naive “wooden literalist.” Well, here’s a little something for you to meditate upon before you succumb to the hermeneutical sophisticates who…
DEI and the Local Church
DEI in the Local Church? The discussion about Equity and Inclusion has been a roller coaster ride for the last eight years. The conversation usually centers on work, education, and government, and this election has revealed a huge nationwide backlash against the concept. But what about the concepts of equity and inclusion in the local…
Podcast – Interview 57: Maturity and Wisdom (Bryan & Rebecca Brock)
We are back from our holiday break with new podcasts based on the articles in our magazine, FrontLine. We left off with an interview with the associate editor for the November/December edition of the magazine, Dr. David Anderson. We did that interview just before Christmas. You can check our feed to catch up on that…
A Look at the Lists: Spiritual Gifts for Today
A spiritual gift is a God-granted ministry to each member of the body of Christ in order to edify its members. There are a variety of gifts (each member with his own gift or combination of gifts), but this variety is united in purpose—to edify the church. They are granted by the Triune God—the Spirit,…
Interesting Headlines From Around the World
In The News
Muslim vigilantes colluding with authorities to entrap Christians | World
Muslim vigilante groups are working with federal authorities to lure young people into sharing blasphemous content on social media in order to put them behind bars, according to an investigation by Pakistan’s National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR). A steep increase in blasphemy cases this year, many of them filed against Christians and other religious…
AWARD-WINNING NEW TESTAMENT SCHOLAR AND AUTHOR, ADVANCING 500x5x5 VISION TO EQUIP PASTORS THROUGH UNCOMPROMISED, NEXT-LEVEL TEACHING BJU Seminary today announced that award-winning New Testament scholar and author Dr. Andreas Köstenberger will join its faculty, the latest milestone in the Seminary’s 500 x 5 x 5 vision to equip pastors through uncompromised, next-level teaching in a time of historic challenge to…
Apathy Among Christian Voters Could Be ‘Gamechanger’ in 2024 Election – Arizona Christian University
Barna’s latest research shows that only 51% of all faith voters are likely to vote in November. That means a full 104 million faith voters are unlikely to vote this election—including 41 million born-again Christians (defined by their beliefs regarding sin and salvation, not self-identification), 32 million regular Christian church attenders, and 14 million who…
Opinion Pieces
Christian conservatism and realism vs. Christian nationalism | Opinion
Nearly all self-identified Christian nationalists are Calvinists, typically Presbyterian like Wolfe, but often theologically Reformed Baptists. The latter can be confusing because traditional Baptists are most associated with religious liberty. Source: Christian conservatism and realism vs. Christian nationalism | Opinion
Should a Christian Skip Voting on November 5? | RealClearReligion
While the Bible does not speak directly to the issue of voting because elections didn’t exist in Bible times, a relevant passage that presents a principle to guide our contemporary context is 1 Timothy 2:1-2. When Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning how to lead the church, his first instruction was to urge church members to…
End Abortion: Rebrand Babies – The American Mind
But abortion is at its tiny beating heart not, I repeat not, a political issue. It never has been, actually. It is not solvable at the federal, or even state, level. It cannot be eradicated via executive order, law, or any craft we here possess. “Abortionist” is the second oldest profession after “prostitute.” Humans are…
Home & Family
On Parenting: Are You Bribing Your Way Through?
Not long ago, I was sitting in an airport when a family of four appeared. The little boy, who seemed about five, was having a meltdown I’d heard many times before. His mother was doing all she could to calm him down, but nothing worked. In just a few minutes, I witnessed a parade of…
Can a fighting spirit help conquer cancer? The limits of positivity for cancer patients | National Post
The idea that cancer progression or disease survival can be influenced by a positive attitude or by keeping up a “fighting spirit” isn’t grounded in scientific evidence, he and other doctors said. Anecdotally, however, “you’ll hear from people, ‘I beat this because I was positive, I had the right thinking, the right attitude,’” Isenberg-Grzeda said.…
The false promise of keeping a loved one ‘alive’ with A.I. grief bots | America Magazine
With the creation of A.I., anthropomorphized chatbots are one critical example of how the rapidly advancing technology is testing the limits of the human condition. Source: The false promise of keeping a loved one ‘alive’ with A.I. grief bots | America Magazine